Tiarella (Tiarella cordifolia)

Tiarella Plant Features

Native to the woodlands of North America, tiarella, occasionally called foamflower, makes an ideal ground cover in shady and partially shady gardens. Growing just 12 to 15 inches tall, tiarella comes in a variety of interesting leaf shapes and colors and develops pretty clusters of pink or white flowers in the spring. The plants spread slowly, forming dense, ground-hugging clumps that smother weeds as they grow. Use tiarella in a woodland garden, slope, or shaded rock garden. In warmer parts of its range, tiarella remains evergreen through the winter. Hardy to zones 4-9.

Tiarella Questions?
Email us and one of our shade garden experts will get back to you.

Tiarella Growing Instructions

Plant tiarella in a shady or partially shade location with moist, well drained soil. For best results, add plenty of organic matter to the soil at planting time. Tiarella isn't particularly drought tolerant so mulch the plants to insure consistent soil moisture, especially in regions with hot summers. Tiarella is generally left alone by rabbits and deer.

Tiarella is not recommended for human or animal consumption.
  • Water


  • Light

    Outside: Part sun

    Outside: Shade

  • Colors



  • Special Features

    Colorful foliage

    Deer/rabbit resistant


Complement your Tiarella

Heuchera and Tiarella will add color and texture to your shade garden.

Pair two colorful ground covers together in your shade garden. Lamium and Tiarella are two great partners.

Mix Hosta and Tiarella together for a color show in your shade border.