Orchid, Dendrobium (Dendrobium spp.)

Orchid, Dendrobium Plant Features

Dendrobium orchid is one of the easiest orchid varieties to grow. It makes for a beautiful flowering houseplant to decorate a desk, tabletop, or window sill. Most varieties have a tall, upright shape, making them a fun contrast for the more common moth orchid. Dendrobium orchids add a stylish note to any space.

Dendrobium orchids typically have a long bloom period, so make the most of it by planting them in a container that accents or contrasts the flowers. A deep purple dendrobium, for example, looks fantastic in a pot that matches its color. Or if you like a bolder look, put your deep purple orchid in a lime-green pot.

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Orchid, Dendrobium Growing Instructions

Grow dendrobium orchid in a bright spot for best flowering. Like many orchids, these plants can take some direct sun on their leaves, especially in the North. If it doesn't get enough light, it won't bloom.

Water dendrobium orchids when the moss or bark starts to dry out. Some types can store water in their stems, making them drought tolerant. If you're not able to water your dendrobium orchid for a long period and it loses its leaves, don't give up hope; with good care, it may resprout once it gets regular moisture again. One easy way to water it is to soak the moss in water for about 10 minutes. Then leave the orchid be until the moss begins to dry out and soak it again.
Get more orchid watering tips.

These orchids appreciate average to high humidity, so if your home's air is especially dry, boost the amount of moisture to keep your dendrobium at its best. 

Repot your orchid when the bark or moss it's growing in starts to break down. This is often every couple of years or so, but can vary depending on a number of factors. If the bark or moss breaks down too much, your orchid roots won't get as much air as they like and the plant will start to suffer. 

Fertilize dendrobium orchids in spring and summer with an orchid fertilizer for best blooms. Not sure how much fertilizer to use? Be sure to follow the directions on the product's packaging.

Note: Dendrobium orchids are beautiful to look at, but are not intended for human or animal consumption. 
  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Indoors: High light

  • Colors







  • Special Features

    Fragrant flowers/foliage

    Purifies the air

Complement your Orchid, Dendrobium

Orchid, Phalaenopsis
Phalaenopsis orchid and dendrobium orchid pair together to create a wonderful combination. Between the two, you can enjoy nearly year-round blooms!

Peperomia is an easy-care houseplant with a decidedly different texture that offers a good contrast to dendrobium orchid.

Bromeliads and dendrobium orchids like similar conditions and combine beautifully together to create an exotic arrangement.