Mondo Grass (Ophiopogon spp.)

Mondo Grass Plant Features

Tufts of bright green, grass-like leaves that retain their color all year long make mondo grass a top pick as an evergreen groundcover or edging plant. The plant slowly forms thick dense clumps that add texture and interest to the garden and has been a popular landscape staple for generations. Mondo grass is a super-easy plant in a sunny or partially sunny location. The plants grow 12 to 18 inches tall and produce spikes of blue flowers in the summer, followed by pretty blue-black berries later on. Mondo grass is also deer resistant. Hardy from zones 6-11.

Mondo Grass Questions?
Email us and one of our ground cover experts will get back to you.

Mondo Grass Growing Instructions

Mondo grass is an easy keeper. Plant it in full or partial sun in well-drained soil and leave it alone. Mondo grass will slowly grow bigger and better each year, eventually forming 15 inch wide clumps. Water whenever the soil starts to dry out.

Mondo grass is not recommended for human or animal consumption.
  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Light

    Outside: Part sun

    Outside: Sun

  • Colors



  • Special Features

    Deer/rabbit resistant


    Super-easy to grow

Complement your Mondo Grass

Plant Mondo Grass in and around Azaleas to camouflage their lower branches.

Get the layered look in a small space by planting Ajuga in front of a bed of Mondo Grass.

Japanese Holly Fern
The stiff fronds of Japanese Holly Fern mix well with the softer tufts of Mondo Grass.