Cinnamon Fern (Osmunda cinnamomea)

Cinnamon Fern Plant Features

Cinnamon fern is a delightful North American native that develops eye-catching, soft green foliage and performs well in shaded and woodland gardens. In the spring this charmer, bears reproductive fronds that resemble cinnamon sticks, giving the plant its common name. When fall rolls around, the foliage of cinnamon fern often turns golden-yellow, adding an extra dose of fall color to the landscape. Cinnamon fern, which grow 2 to 4 feet tall, look fantastic mixed with other shade-loving perennials such as ligularia and hosta. Hardy from zones 3-9.

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Cinnamon Fern Growing Instructions

Grow cinnamon fern in moist soil in shade or part shade. It tolerates average soil, but shrivels dramatically if conditions get too dry. Mulch the plants to maintain soil moisture and water whenever rainfall is scarce. Cinnamon fern is also a good choice alongside stream beds or ponds.

Cinnamon fern is not recommended for human or animal consumption.
  • Water

    Constantly moist soil

  • Light

    Outside: Shade

  • Colors


  • Special Features

    Colorful foliage


Complement your Cinnamon Fern

Lobelia, Perennial
Sharing Cinnamon fern's love of moist soil, Cardinal Flower makes a colorful partner with its bold red blooms.

Hostas and Cinnamon Fern create a wonderful leafy partnership.

The large leaves and yellow flowers of ligularia are a nice contrast to the graceful fronds of cinnamon fern. Plus, both prefer moist, shady locations.